Gunshop at Centerfire is a gun shop near Frankfort, KY. We specialize in handguns, rifles, ammunition, shotguns and all types of accessories. Whether you are a marksman, sportsman, armed professional, hunter/huntress, fisherman, or just interested in the great outdoors, we have what you need. Gunshop at Centerfire is located just a short distance from Frankfort, KY at 102 Fieldview Dr Versailles, KY 40383. Our low prices are worth the short drive! In addition to great prices, we have an indoor shooting range located at our gun shop near Frankfort.
Frankfort KYlies in the heart of Kentucky’s Bluegrass country. Surrounded by rolling pastures where thoroughbred horses run and canopies of forest bring beauty in every season. The State Capitol rises above the city and overlooks the Kentucky River. We are happy to be located so closely to a great city and provide its residents with all of their firearm needs.
Check out our Indoor Shooting Range Near Frankfort Kentucky